Physical rewards shipping soon

Yujin Choo signing some chibi prints

Hi all! Gallery Nucleus has wrapped up production of all the art prints, and all the pins are also finished and ready to ship. Yujin and I have just finished signing them, and Ali will be adding his signature this week. Once that’s done, they’ll be ready to start sending out in batches, so be expecting yours soon!

Work continues briskly on Invisigun itself, and you can view a pretty active changelog that I try to keep updated daily here. Most notably, there’s been a lot of progress on the new game modes (Land Grab and Treasure Hunter) as well as experimentation with some new character abilities, and a completely new planet (Arenae, the desert temple world). I’m really excited about the potential of some new environmental interactions in Arenae.

Arenae, the desert temple world

Ali and I have also been working on filling out the soundtrack, which means adding secondary tracks for each planet. Here’s a preview of the alternate Arx-515 track:

I’m extremely excited to say that at this point, Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo have all accepted Invisigun Heroes into their development programs and I can publish on all three platforms, barring any unforeseen issues. I’m working on acquiring development kits so that I can start experimenting with console builds, but the desktop versions still take priority. I don’t want to derail the promised schedule, and it’s best to take everything one step at a time. But it will be nice to test on consoles once in a while just to address any major technical showstoppers early, since that’s much more difficult later on.

In life news, we had to move since the place I’ve been renting will be up for sale, so I was scrambling to find a new place amidst all of this. Luckily we found a place and will be moving this weekend, so I’ll be splitting this week between development and packing. That’s all for now!